C. Wair

Claudia Wair
Rise and Shine (creative nonfiction in JMWW)
Speaking the Names of the Dead (microfiction in 50 Give or Take)
Out of Season (microfiction reprint in FlashFlood)
Sometimes We Dream (flash nonfiction in Decolonial Passage)
What You'd See at the House if I Change My Mind and Let You In (flash fiction in Every Day Fiction)
Watching Home Decorating Shows in the Hospital Waiting Room (flash fiction in Pithead Chapel)
Love, Cigarettes, and Lavender (creative nonfiction in Gastropoda)
The Last Thing Taken (urban fantasy in MetaStellar.)
Originally published in the anthology Dread Naught but Time
A Guide to Burning Bridges (flash fiction in Astrolabe)
Nominated for Best Small Fictions
Wigleaf Top 50 Longlist
The Ragdoll Girls (literary microfiction in The Centifictionist)
If I Had Wings (literary microfiction in The Centifictionist)
The Keynote Speaker Has a Lot to Say (literary microfiction in The Centifictionist)
Starlight and Mulled Wine (fantasy micro in Rune Bear Weekly)
A Matter of the Soul (historical fiction in Sundial Magazine)
When You Swim Out into the Ocean (prose poem in Writers Resist)
Nominated for the Pushcart Prize
The Tiger in My Walk-In Closet (prose poem in Tangled Locks Journal)
Broken Things (ghost story in Idle Ink)
Out of Season (literary microfiction in JMWW)
Nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction
The Rest Of My Life Might Be Razor Wire (literary flash fiction in WWPH Writes)
Nominated for Best of the Net
The Gift (fantasy in Corvid Queen)
Jackie Thompson Has a Visitor (speculative flash fiction in The Wondrous Real)
Avenged (ghost story in The Sirens Call - pg. 48)
Awake (fairy tale in Fudoki Magazine)
Wake Up, Katy (literary flash fiction in Reflex Fiction)
On Wings and Their Maintenance (experimental fiction in Chrome Baby)
Nominated for Best of the Net
Homeowners Association (literary flash fiction in Flash Fiction Magazine)
cotton laughter (creative non-fiction in Typehouse Literary Magazine - pg. 24)
Herald (fantasy flash fiction in Fudoki Magazine)
To Face Ourselves (dystopian fiction in Writers Resist)
The Mother (literary flash fiction in Fiction War)
Witchwood (fantasy flash fiction in Fiction War)

Claudia Wair is a Virginia-based writer and editor. In her day job, she writes about science. At night, she writes about whatever pops into her head. From literary fiction to fantasy and sci-fi.
Claudia's work has appeared in publications such as Pithead Chapel, JMWW, Tangled Locks Journal, Astrolabe, MetaStellar, Writers Resist, as well as several anthologies. Her fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Microfiction, Best of the Net, and Best Small Fictions. She's a Bread Loaf Environmental Writers' Conference alumna.
Claudia created The MAP journal, a 10-minute-a-day guided journaling method designed to help users improve their mindset and accomplish their goals.
When she’s not writing, you can find Claudia reading, camping, or obsessively analyzing episodes of Star Trek: Discovery.
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